Wednesday, September 2, 2009

He's here, he's here

Well, i have a son, I actually have a son!! Nothing or no one could of possibly given me a glimpse of what to expect when giving birth, and that's what I expected. So I wasn't let down to say the least! It started saturday morning at 5am, my water broke, you could say it was what I imagined it to be like, however not august 8th. I was at the hospital by 7am, accompanied my aaron, who I told to go play golf like he planned but he insisted he come. I figured I would sit at the hospital for hours and be sent home. We took our time getting there, I packed a bag just incase, threw in a load of laundry and carefully picked out what I would bring our son home in, if this was the real thing. When we got to the hospital, I said I think my water broke, within the hour I was in the delivery room and by 9:36 my love was here! I had no contractions until about 8:30, when I was a 6 or 7, so I am pretty lucky. Actually I must be the luckiest girl in the world if I only had to go through an hour of that. With going natural, I can't imagine it being any longer. Not to mention the fact little Dominic was only 5lbs 2oz. We were in the NICU for 11 days, I spent all but 1 of those nights in the hospital, and aaron spent all but 3. As weird as it sounds I was not at all scared about him being in the NICU, i didn't have any bad feelings. I knew he was fine. Needless to say those days could also not of prepared me for what it was really like to have a child. He has been home for 2 weeks and it has been pure chaos!!!! What was i thinking I was going to have all this time on my hands not working!!! It could have to do with the fact I am pumping as well as breastfeeding, that takes up most my days. Dominic isn't getting enough while on my breast, so I pump and give him a bottle so I know he is getting enough food. On the other hand, It's absolutley amazing to be a mom. A little different than caring for bootsy, who I miss more than anything. Im so blessed to have a healthy baby and a cute home to live in, I can't complain!

Dominic Demille Jasperson. 8/8/09. 5LBS 2OZ


Anonymous said...

Love the post, Sabrina!! Kids are consuming- I remember thinking the same when I just had one. Now if only I would had enjoyed those moments. So take my single advice I like to give all- enjoy it, every second, every minute. Because one day you will forget a little bit of what it was like to hold that 5 lb little guy and being able to spend so much time with him. Enjoy!! And one day when you have four- one in kindergarten, one in preschool, one who can't stop following you around, and one that needs you to eat from every two hours you will understand why we haven't been over more to say hi. :) And the fact that A has some kind of cold/allergies or something so we will be staying away even longer, for your sake. Sorry!!

fREnCh TrOSt said...

Congratulations! He is a handsome little stud!

beck said...

Fun story and cute pictures!

Johnny & Alli said...

Oh I love that picture with his hand up in the air! I miss him so much. I hear you're doing a FANTASTIC job being a mother. Keep up the good work. Love you!

Carly said...

Your a natural mother Breezy! Dominic is the cutest little guy ever! Speaking of a cute lil house.. how about some pictures?